Opportunities To Serve

A/V Ministry

We have opportunities available for any who would like to serve in our audio & video ministry, helping with our sound, livestreams and podcasts. To serve here, please see Brian Bachochin or Eric Richardson.

Children’s Ministry

If you have a heart to invest in God’s little ones, then we’d love for you to join in our efforts. We are always looking to build and maintain a strong rotation to provide opportunity, while seeking to avoid burnout. Please see Justin and Tara Ostlind to serve in the nursery, and Dave and Chris Fry to serve in the Sunday School.

Handyman Ministry

We have a number of folks who would like to help when something needs fixing. Please contact Art Cervantes if you need some help, or would like to help out in this ministry.


Coffee & snacks around service, potlucks, providing a meal for someone who’s sick…We love to enjoy and encourage fellowship. If you’d like to help facilitate fellowship together through our hospitality ministry, we’re always looking for a couple of extra folks to help set up before service and clean up after service. Please see Janet Walker.

Set Up / Tear Down

We’re always looking for extra hands to manage chairs, tables and such. Please see Alonzo Walker if you’d like to help out.

Usher & Greeter Ministry 

We are looking for men & women with open arms and servant hearts to help welcome and direct folks on Sunday mornings. If you like meeting people and just being generally helpful, than this is a great (& important) opportunity to serve! Please see Alonzo Walker if you’d like to get involved.

Women’s Ministry

The Women’s ministry provides opportunities to gather for women’s bible studies, fellowship brunches and dinners, and other events. Please see Julie Bachochin for more information, or if you’d like to get involved.


If you would like to use your musical gifts as part of a community in service to the Lord and the body, please see Michael & Julie Wall.