Announcements, and upcoming events
Sunday, January 12 at 1:00 p.m. - Newcomer’s Luncheon after the first service at the church. We are having a newcomer’s luncheon for those new to the church who want to hear more about CCF. If you want to join us, please register using the following link.
Wednesday, January 15 at 7:00 p.m. - Midweek Study & Youth Group will start meeting again. Pizza will be served at 6:30 for those who would like to come early and have dinner & some time for fellowship. Our youth group is for both middle and high-school-aged teens.
Sunday, January 26 through February 16 - The Baby Bottle Campaign for the Pregnancy Centers of Middle Tennessee will begin. We will have a three-week campaign where we will pass out baby bottles for you to collect coins, cash, or checks and return them any Sunday at church until February 16th. The funds collected will allow them to continue the work God entrusted them to serve women and men struggling with life-changing decisions and provide them with a message of hope & a network of care while affirming the value of life & family. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Elizabeth Bagger at
Monday, January 27 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - The Pregnancy Centers of Middle TN Monthly Prayer Walk. This is a great opportunity for the community to cover this center in prayer. You will be able to come into their Columbia location and walk room to room with a self-guided prayer sheet with specific prayer requests. They will have a representative present for any questions you may have. Please join them!
Week of February 2-7 - Short-Term Mission Trip to North Carolina for Hurricane Helene Assistance - We have finalized a date with CC Asheville for our church to go out to help with the disaster relief. We will head out the week of February 2nd and plan to be there for the full week. If you can only service for a portion of the trip and have your own transportation, you are more than welcome to come as well. We are still working on a few of the trip details, but if you are interested in joining the group and haven’t contacted the church yet, please let us know at
Saturday, February 15 - Monday, February 17 - Calvary Chapel Murfreesboro Winter Youth Retreat at Horton Haven Christian Camp in Lewisburg, TN. The cost is $135 per student, which includes 2 nights lodging and meals. It will begin Saturday at 6:00 pm and conclude at noon on Monday (President’s Day). If you are interested in attending, please contact Rob Dennis at
Saturday, February 22 from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. - Calvary Chapel Franklin Women’s Conference. We are thrilled to have Sandy MacIntosh and her daughter, Mindi Love, out for this year’s one-day women’s conference. They will be going through the ever-so-loved scriptures of Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Sheperd.” Pastor Mike and his wife Sandy have been part of the original movement of the Calvary Chapel since the 70s and have ministered in San Diego for over 50 years. Their son-in-law, Dave & their daughter, Mindi, have been ministering in Colorado for many years, and Pastor Dave is also the Northwest regional leader for the Calvary Chapel Association. The cost will be $30 per person, which includes lunch. You can register using our church planner or at this link.
Serving at CCF: If you would like to get involved in serving here at Calvary, please either see one of the ministry leaders or let us know on our website.
Prayer Requests: If you have any prayer requests that you would like to share with the church, please send them to
Mom’s Meet-Up & Women’s Walking Groups: Both groups will have different meet-up times throughout the year, which will be announced in that group section of the app. If you are interested in signing up for either one of these groups, please do so by hitting the “join” button in the group app or by contacting Barb Logelin at for the women’s walking group or Nicole Mann at for the mom’s meet-up group.
Book Lending Library: We have a free lending library with various new and classic books to inform and encourage your walk with God and His Word, using prayerfully selected resources. No charge! We ask that you please try to return them within three months so others will have a chance to read them as well. If you decide that you would like to keep a book and would like to leave a donation (no obligation) in the envelopes provided on the book table, drop it in the offering box, designating which book you are keeping. We hope you take advantage of these free resources! If you have books to donate or questions, contact Tracy Nunes at, or give them to her on Sunday. We ask that you please don’t leave donations on the table.
Name Tags: If you have been coming to the church for a while and would like a name tag, or if you have recently misplaced yours, please let us know, and we will make one for you. We will print them out at the beginning of each month and leave them on the table in the lobby for you to pick up. You can request a new name tag by clicking here. *Also, please remember to take them with you once you have picked them up. Thank you!