Missions and Outreach
At Calvary Chapel Franklin, we believe in participating in God’s work, both locally, as well as abroad. Our desire is, as the Holy Spirit leads and empowers, to reach our own “Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth…” (Acts 1:8)
NHC Place Assisted Care, Cool Springs
Serving the residents of this assisted care living facility in song & devotional weekly on Friday afternoons. If you’d like to get involved in serving here, please see Victor Mendez, or contact the church office.
Pregnancy Centers of Middle Tennessee
The goal at the Pregnancy Centers of Middle Tennessee is to provide support and practical assistance for women and men during and after pregnancy. We are here for those experiencing unplanned pregnancy, dealing with pregnancy issues in the past, or planning for the future.
For more information about their operations please visit their site
Barry & Quita Staley, Guatemala
Barry and Quita serve with Independent Missionary Network, which exists to help Missionaries develop relationships that make Christ known, demonstrate the Love of God and bring the Gospel to all people groups.
Casa de Fuego, Antigua, Guatemala
Edwin and Leah Montufar and their family host and train missionary teams at Casa de Fuego.
Casa de Fuego is an IMN ministry with a mission to cultivate and nurture a fire for Jesus Christ in the life of every person who visits our home by serving Him, teaching Truth, and loving others. Learn more at https://missionarynetwork.org/casadefuego/
The Harbor Nizhny, Russia
The Harbor Nizhny is a non-profit Christian organization committed to providing housing, life skills training, and sharing the love of Jesus with orphaned teens who have aged out of the system. Learn more at: https://www.theharbornizhny.org
Destiny Rescue, International
Destiny Rescue is a global Christian non-governmental organization (NGO) that has restored hope to thousands of children enduring sexual exploitation and human trafficking through rescue operations and reintegration programming operated in regions throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America. Learn more and support by clicking here.
The Gideons International
Gideons International exists as an advocate for the lost, to bring them the saving knowledge of the Word through not only placing and distributing Scriptures, but also through personal witnessing and by associating together for service. As a united force for the Gospel, we remain rooted in tradition, but we operate under the firm belief that anyone can be a valuable asset to this invaluable cause.